PittsburghUrbanMedia.com is an African American woman, and locally owned online publication dedicated to the advancement of Black people in Pittsburgh, and throughout Pennsylvania.
Launched in August 2009, as an online magazine that connects visitors to the diverse communities in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania, reaching a large urban audience.
Our online magazine focuses on promoting economic and political empowerment for African
Americans in the region. Our stories inform audiences about the important social issues in our communities, with a focus on advancing and elevating the conversation that will improve our lives.
We offer opportunities for real change and growth in the disenfranchised communities by offering solutions.
Our site is especially dedicated to promoting healthy families, and finding solutions to some of the health disparities in the region. We are dedicated to present stories that will make our communities more livable, empowered and sustainable.
The stories, news and opinions are from an African American perspective.
We are a team of highly skilled journalists, editors, and researchers who are dedicated to bringing you the latest news and analysis on all things Mass Media.
Our website covers a wide range of topics, including television, film, music, publishing, social media, and timely topics.
We welcome your ideas and hope that you will stay engaged with us as we continue to stay in the mix and offer our audience opportunities to learn more about what is happening in the region.